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Donghong Liu

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1. Personal information

Donghong Liu

Professor, vice-director of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Institute, committee member of International Rhetoric and Communication Association,

committee member of IALP

Address: English Department,

School of Foreign Languages,

Central China Normal University

Wuhan, China 430079

Email: liudonghong19@sina.com

Phone number:

2. Education:

Ph.D., Fudan University (2007)

M.A. Central China Normal University (1996)

B.A. Central China Normal University (1989)

3. Research interests and current research works

Research interests:

Rhetoric and Composition, Second Language Acquisition, Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics


For postgraduates: Contrastive Rhetoric,

Second Language Acquisition,

Rhetoric and Composition Study,

Text Linguistics,

Language Typology

For undergraduates:



Academic Writing,

English Writing

Comprehensive English


4. Research results and others


1. Abstract Entity Anaphora in Written Discourses. Wuhan: Central China Normal University, 2014.

2. Abstract Entity Anaphora in Argumentative Writing – Pragmatic Features and Referent Interpretation. Wuhan: Central China Normal University, 2009.

3. Studies on Second Language Writing. Wuhan: China Geologic University Press, 2009.

4. Comprehensive English for Normal Universities (textbook 4). Wuhan: Central China Normal University, 2012.

Papers published (since 2000)

1. Analysis of discourse topic from the perspective of discourse construction and anaphora resolution[J]. Contemporary Rhetoric, 2014(1): 65-71.

2. Cognition Hypothesis re-examined in the production of predictive language[J]. Modern Foreign Languages, 2013(3): 286-292.

3. Influence of Topic Type on the Generalization of the Topic Sentences Written by English Learners[J]. Foreign Language Teaching, 2013 (2).

4. Predictive Language and Global Coherence in English Learners’ Compositions[J]. Foreign Language Teaching, 2012 (4).

5. Discourse Structures of English Exposition[A]. In Minghui Dong et al. (eds.) International Conference on Asian Language Processing[C]. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2011: 97-100.

6. Demonstrative NPs and Pronoun it in Chinese L2 Learners’ Writing[J]. The Journal of Asia TEFL vol. 7 (1), 2010: 87-106.

7. Discourse Structure and Anaphora Resolution from SDRT Perspective[A]. In Donghong Ji,Minghui Dong,Darunee Smavatkul and Kim-Teng Lua (eds.).Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Language Processing(IALP)2008[C]. Singapore: COLIPS PUBLICATIONS: 71-77.

8. Comment on Segmented Discourse Representation Theory[J]. Foreign Language Teaching 3, 2009.

9. Processing strategies for ambiguity resolution in abstract entity anaphora[J]. Foreign Language Teaching Theories and Practice 4, 2008.

10. A contrastive study of the pragmatic features of English and Chinese abstract entity anaphora [J]. Research in Foreign Language and Literature 6, 2008.

11. A study on abstract entity in argumentative writing [J]. Journal of Sichuan International Studies University 1, 2007.

12. Cognitive and pragmatic features of first person deixis [J]. Foreign Language Teaching 6, 2007.

13. Semantic and pragmatic analyses of the first person plural and definite descriptions [A]. Xiong Xueliang (ed.), Collection of Pragmatics [C]. Beijing: Higher Education Publishing House, 2006.

14. Person deixis in ESL Argumentative Writing [A]. Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching [C]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

15. A typological perspective of negation order [J]. Foreign Language Research 4, 2006.

16. Abstract entity anaphora---a special kind of anaphora [J]. Foreign Languages and Translation 5, 2006.

17. Exploring the ways of feedback. 21 Century—English Education Weekly 47, 2006.

18. An Investigation of Chinese L2 Learners’ critical thinking in EFL Writing [J]. Fudan Forum of Foreign Languages and Literature (autumn), 2005.

19. Grammatical metaphors in English language learning [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Researching 2, 2005.

20. On the critical thinking ability of college students [J]. Foreign Language Teaching 2, 2004.

21. The relationship among writing strategies, vocabulary size and writing quality [J]. Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 2, 2004.

22. The influence of vocabulary size in EFL writing [J]. Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 2, 2003.

23. Identification of L1 strategies [J]. Teaching English in China, Vol.26 (3), 2003.

24. Multi-perspectives revealed by multi-dimensional model [J]. Foreign Language Teaching, 5, 2003.

25. Differences between English and Chinese ways of thinking and the logical conjunction in translation [J]. Jianghan Forum 8, 2003.

26. L1 strategies and L1 transfer in freshmen’s written work [J]. Foreign Language Teaching, 4, 2002.

27. The stylistic differences between English and Chinese notices [J]. Applied Writing 2.

28. On general language in Chinese and English official documents [J]. Applied Writing, 6.

Papers presented at international conferences

1. Discourse Structure of English Exposition. International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 2011 (Penang, Malaysia).

2. Is Explicit Topic Sentence Necessary? —Rhetorical relations in paragraphs. 22nd Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, 2011 (Penn State University, the U. S. A.). 3. Retrospective labels in English and Chinese argumentative discourses. The Second Biennial Conference of CRSW & International Conference on Rhetoric, 2010 (Hong Kong). 4. Developmental features of anaphora acquisition in Chinese L2 learners’ Writing. Penn TESOL- East, 2009 (Philadelphia, the U.S.A.). 5. Discourse Structure and Anaphora Resolution from SDRT Perspective. The International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), 2008 (Chiang Mai, Thailand). 6. Person deixis in ESL Argumentative Writing. The International Symposium on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, 2006 (Beijing). 7. Teacher and Peer Comments and L2 Writing Anxiety. International Symposium on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, 2004 (Beijing). 8. A survey of freshmen’s L1 strategies and L1 transfer in their written work. The International Symposium on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, 2001 (Beijing).


2014 International project “Contrastive Rhetoric and Composition Study” funded by Central China Normal University

2013 “Abstract Entity Anaphora Study” funded by Hubei Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science

2012 “Text Reference in Written Discourses” funded by Ministry of Education for returned visiting scholars

2012 “Patterns of mediation in English composition instruction” from China Foreign Language Education Fund

2010 “Generalizing Ability of Chinese L2 Learners of English” funded by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science (National Social Science Fund)

2007 “Abstract Entity Anaphora in Argumentative Writing” funded by Central China Normal University

2003 “Lexical Factors in CET4 Writing” funded by Central China Normal University

2002 “English Writing Strategy Instruction” funded by Central China Normal University